Personalized Customer Experience EnergyAI Core EnergyAI Active

NET2GRID Release Notes - v3.34


What's New

  • Users can now replace a SmartBridge device and set it up directly through the app. The new device will automatically inherit the old device’s configurations, ensuring a seamless transition.


  • A new graph has been added to the Support Portal, offering consolidated monthly data on the user base's energy distribution to all available disaggregation categories, providing average percentages for easy analysis. That way customers can now take advantage of additional & actionable insights to further enhance their strategic endeavors and decision making.

  • EnergyAI Core now supports multiple Space and Water heating types for a single user, enabling a more complete energy profile. Previously, users could only declare one Space or Water Heating option, limiting detection to the main heating source. With this enhancement, the energy consumption from auxiliary electric or gas heating sources will be attributed to the disaggregation result, improving the service quality.

    The supported Space and Water heating types can now be declared as comma separated values.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the AM-API would respond with incorrect error responses to requests concerning the provisioning of meter information.

  • Fixed a bug where the wrong firmware status was being reported by the SmartBridge during onboarding of the device.

API Changelog

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