- NET2GRID team
NET2GRID Release Notes - v3.23
Introducing the new API Reference of the Device Management API, an essential resource for customers using the Streamer service.
Resolved an edge case where uploading CSV energy measurements for unprovisioned installations was hindering successful provisioning through the Account Management API.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that was preventing the storage of "Feed In" and "Time Of Use" data from the Fluvius data hub, ensuring a smooth experience for Belgian customers.
Fixed a bug related to the management of multiple MySQL connections. This bug was causing increased connection traffic and, eventually, compromising the API availability for customers with high volumes of end-users.
Support Portal:
Resolved a bug that rendered specific meter actions inapplicable to Smartbridge SBLR4912 devices.
Enhanced accuracy and visibility of the Provisioned Meter data block. Complete information will now be displayed only when relevant to the installation.